Company Exec Who Bilked His Employer Hit With Multi-Million Salary Forfeiture Judgment

expensereport03The First District affirmed an almost $10M bench trial judgment in favor of a publishing company against one of its former officers in ICD v. Gittlitz, 2014 IL App (1st) 133277.

The defendant engaged in a multi-year course of fraudulent conduct against his employer by issuing bogus expense reports and writing himself  company checks for “advances” that he wasn’t entitled to.  After lodging criminal embezzlement charges, the plaintiff brought civil claims.

The plaintiff sued for compensatory and punitive damages under breach of fiduciary duty and fraud theories.  It also asserted a specific performance claim seeking the defendant’s turn over of his stock shares.

The defendant countered that the plaintiff gave up much of its claims by signing an earlier written release (the “Release”) after the plaintiff first encountered the defendants’ fraudulent conduct. The defendant also claimed the plaintiff was unjustly enriched by retaining certain profits the defendant claimed he was owed.

The trial court found for the plaintiff on all claims and rejected the defenses and counterclaims.

Upholding the hefty money judgment, which included a $2M punitive damage award, the Court answered some important questions on the proper measure of damages for a corporate officer’s breach of fiduciary duty and the circumstances that justify voiding a written release of claims.

The court synthesized this patchwork of legal principles during its analysis:

Corporate shareholders owe fiduciary duties of loyalty to both the corporation and the other shareholders;

– Where an agent breaches a fiduciary duty to a principal, the damage award is within the court’s equitable discretion;

The complete forfeiture of salary during the time the fiduciary was breaching his duty to the corporation is a proper damage measure in cases of intentional misconduct;

– The purpose of the salary forfeiture remedy is to deprive the wrongdoer of his gains from his breach of duty and to deter disloyalty;

-Punitive damages are also awarded at the court’s discretion and can only be nullified if they are the result of passion, partiality or corruption;

A 3:1 ratio (punitive damages to compensatory damages) is recognized as an acceptable (“not excessive”) figure;

– When parties who stand in a fiduciary relationship to each other sign a release that settles or gives up potential claims, the release can be undone if one party withholds material facts surrounding the signing of the release;

– A release will not include claims that weren’t in the parties’ contemplation

(¶¶ 54-77).

The defendant’s several-year campaign of blatant fraud as evidenced in part by the defendant’s guilty plea in the criminal case justified the court ordering the defendant’s wholesale forfeiture of his salary during the operative time span (about $7M).

The court also held that the $2M in punitive damages bore a reasonable relationship to the $1.2M in phony checks cashed by the defendant. The punitive award fell below a 2:1 ratio and so was acceptable under the law.

The court ruled that the Release was voidable by the plaintiff since two corporate shareholders testified that they signed the Release based on the plaintiff’s promise that his fraud against the company was brief.

The court also affirmed summary judgment on the specific performance claim through which the plaintiff sought to compel performance stock repurchase provisions of a shareholders agreement.

The court rejected the defendant’s election of remedies doctrine noting that it only applies to prevent double recovery where a plaintiff seeks inconsistent remedies for the same cause of action.

Normally, a plaintiff can’t recover damages for breach of contract and also obtain specific performance of that same contract. He must choose on or the other. Here, though, election of remedies didn’t apply: plaintiff’s money damages were predicated on the defendant’s fraudulent conduct while the specific performance order related solely to the stock repurchase agreement. ¶¶ 78-80.


(1) Complete forfeiture of an executive’s compensation is a proper damage remedy where the executive intentionally violates fiduciary duties to the corporation;

(2) A release won’t encompass claims that weren’t in the parties’ contemplation – especially where one party is a fiduciary who hoodwinks the other;

(3) A 3:1 punitive damage:actual damage ratio is generally acceptable and won’t be overturned as excessive.

No Disparagement Or Non-Compete Means No Injunction – IL Court

In Xylem Dewatering Solutions, Inc. v. Szablewski, 2014 IL App (5th) 140080-U,  the plaintiff corporation sued some of its ex-employees after they joined a competitor and started raiding plaintiff’s office staff.

The trial court denied plaintiff’s request for an injunction and then it appealed.

Result: Trial court’s order upheld. Plaintiff loses.

Reasons: To get a preliminary injunction, a plaintiff must establish (1) a clearly ascertained right in need of protection; (2) irreparable injury; (3) no adequate remedy at law; and (4) a likelihood of success on the merits.

The plaintiff must establish a “fair question” on each of the four elements. A preliminary injunction is an extraordinary remedy that is only granted in extreme, emergency settings. (¶¶ 20-21).

Irreparable harm can result from commercial disparagement of a plaintiff’s product but the plaintiff must show the defendant repeatedly made false or misleading statements of fact regarding the plaintiff’s goods and services to establish irreparable harm.  Statements of opinion (“their services suck!”, e.g.) don’t qualify as commercial disparagement. 

Here, the Court found that there were no repeated factual statements made by the defendants.  In addition, all statements that were attributed to the defendants were purely interpretive: they weren’t factual enough to be actionable.  (¶¶ 23-24).

In finding that the plaintiff lacked a protectable interest in its employees or customers, the court pointed out that neither individual defendant signed a non-compete and didn’t violate any fiduciary duties to the employer.

In Illinois, absent a non-compete, an employee is free both to compete with a former employer and to outfit a competing business so long as he doesn’t do so before his employment terminates.  And while a corporate officer owes heightened fiduciary duties not to exploit his position for personal gain, the ex-employee defendants were not corporate officers. (¶ 26).

Plaintiff also failed to establish a protectable interest in its pricing and bid information.  The Illinois Trade Secrets Act, 765 ILCS 1065/1 et seq. (“ITSA”) extends trade secret protection to “information” that is (1) sufficiently secret to derive economic value, from not being generally known to others who can obtain economic value from its use, and (2) that is the subject of reasonable efforts to maintain the information’s secrecy (i.e., “kept under lock and key”)

Information that is generally known in an industry – even if not to the public at large – isn’t a trade secret. Also, information that can be readily copied without a significant outlay of time, effort or expense is not a trade secret. 

The pricing data the plaintiff was trying to protect was several years old and the defendants testified that the bidding information was well known (and therefore not secret) in the pumping industry.  In combination, these factors weighed against a finding of trade secret protection for the pricing and bidding information. (¶¶ 29-31).


(1) Stale data likely won’t qualify for trade secret status – no matter how arcane the information;

(2) If information is well known or can be easily accessed within an industry, it won’t be given trade secret protection;

(3) Noncompete agreements can serve vital purposes.  If a business fails to have its workers sign them, the business risks having no recourse if an ex-employee joins a competitor and later raids the former employer’s personnel.

Illinois Defamation Law: The Quick and Dirty

Defamation is a false, factual statement published to a third party reader or listener.  Illinois recognizes two types of defamation – libel (written) and slander (oral) and the same rules apply to both.

A defamation plaintiff must present sufficient facts establishing (1) a false statement about the plaintiff, (2) that’s not privileged, (3) to a third party; and (4) that caused damages.

A defamatory statement is per se (meaning no proof of specific damages are required)  defamatory when it’s harmful on its face.  Defamatory per se statements are those that (1) impute that a plaintiff committed a crime; (2) impute a plaintiff is unable to perform or lacks integrity in his employment; or (3) statements that plaintiff lacks ability or that otherwise prejudices the plaintiff in her profession.

Only statements that are factual (“he stole $1,000 from me”) – capable of being proven true or false – are actionable; opinions are not (“I think he’s a nut job!”).  Calling someone a crook, a traitor, trashy, a rip-off artist are examples of non-defamatory statements of opinion under prior Illinois cases.

Even per se defamatory statements are not actionable if they are reasonably capable of an innocent construction.  Under the innocent-construction rule, a court considers a statement in context and gives words their natural and ordinary meaning.  If a statement in context is reasonably susceptible to a nondefamatory meaning, it should be given that meaning.

Truth is a defense to defamation.  The challenged statement doesn’t have to be completely true; it’s enough that it’s ‘substantially true’.  A defamatory statement is also not actionable where it’s subject to a privilege.  Two privileges the law recognizes are absolute and qualified privileges.

Qualified privilege applies where as a matter of law and general policy, the defendant has an interest in or duty to make the communication such that it’s privileged.  A classic example of a qualified privilege statement involves a corporation’s statement made while  investigating an employee’s conduct.

Once a qualified privilege attaches, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant intentionally published the material knowing it was false or displaying a reckless disregard as to it truth.  “Reckless disregard” means the speaker made a statement aware that it’s probably false with serious doubts as to its truth.

Source: Coghlan v. Beck (